MrWork Jobs MrWork Jobs

Your vacancies always top of mind with the right candidates

Always reach the right candidates with your vacancies. Push your vacancies to "cold" and "hot" candidates with just a few clicks, or opt for full automation with MrWork Jobs.


Reach candidates where they spend the most time

When you activate your vacancy, it is advertised and shown to the right candidates within seconds. As a result, your vacancies are always present where the candidates are.


Applying for a job has never been easier

You can direct candidates to a vacancy on your website, but you can also choose to make it easier for them to respond. Let candidates share their details on social media, or let them start a conversation with your recruiters on WhatsApp.


Promote your events too

Would you like to reach candidates in other ways than with vacancies? Within “Jobs”, you can set up conversion-oriented campaigns in no time. Promote your networking events, webinars and e-books to the right candidates too!



“Launch a recruitment campaign independently and automatically within one minute!”

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‘Thanks to the software solution of MrWork, our regional recruiters can launch a recruitment campaign independently and automatically within one minute!’

'Thanks to the campaigns, 50 new mechanics have started at ANWB in the "problem areas”.'

Last year, we hired 59 new field staff and generated 2,427 job applications.


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